COVID-19 Re-Opening

Frequently Asked Questions

When will Lakeland Presbyterian Church (LPC) return to in-person worship?

Phase 1 Return – Beginning Sunday, June 7, 2020 with max capacity of 120 in each service (9:30 AM and 10:45 AM)

What does Phase 1 in-person worship include?
  • LPC will continue Livestreaming on YouTube and Facebook for all our at-risk and high-risk congregation members
  • The Sanctuary building has been deep cleaned and sanitized in the months during which we have not been meeting in-person and cleaning and sanitizing will continue each week
  • The Sanctuary building will be cleaned and sanitized between our services
  • LPC is committed to providing as close to a “touch-free” worship experience in the sanctuary as logistically possible
  • Social distancing protocols are expected for in-person worship (stay 6 feet away from non-family members)
  • Families living in the same household need not distance from one another
  • Mask wearing is encouraged (disposable masks will be available at the entrance – or bring your own)
  • Enter through the Sanctuary front foyer entrance and exit the back doors of the Sanctuary to the covered drop-off area
  • Available seating will be clearly marked – some rows will be open while others will be closed.
  • Hand sanitizer stations are provided inside the building (you may bring your own as well)
  • Suspension of physical greetings (a friendly wave and spoken greeting is encouraged – handshaking, hugging, or other physical greeting methods are discouraged for the present time)
  • Nothing will be passed hand to hand in the Sanctuary (offering baskets, cards, pens, etc.)
  • Bibles, hymnals, pens, pencils, cards and the like have been removed from the pews and chairs (Bring your own Bible and writing instruments)
  • Bulletins (with hymns inserted) will be placed in seating areas earlier in the week
  • Tithes and Offerings may be given in designated boxes at the entrance and exits
  • No coffee service will be set out at this time
  • No nursery or childcare will be provided at the church during Phase 1
  • No Children’s Church will be provided at the church during Phase 1
  • A room in the Education Building with video stream of the worship service will be available for parents and families who need a spot for children struggling to make it through the worship service.
Is there any risk to attending in-person worship?

The short answer is yes:

  • Humanly speaking, LPC will be doing as much as possible to lessen the risks, but as with every activity or decision in life, some risk is involved
  • In our particular situation, COVID-19 is still active in our state
  • It is worth considering that people can have the COVID-19 virus, feel fine, show no symptoms, and still be spreading the virus. So according to the best information we have there is no COVID-19 risk-free gathering
  • If you fall into a high-risk category, we urge you to strongly consider staying home and joining us by Livestream
  • Some in our congregation are eager to return while others are taking a more cautious approach – either choice, to return for in-person worship or to stay home, is a matter of your individual conscience and best judgment
  • Use godly wisdom, common sense wisdom, and the information available to you to evaluate your level of risk and make a careful choice on the right time for you to return to in-person worship at LPC
Are there any informative materials or diagnostic questions to help me
determine when to stay home?

Yes – The Mississippi State Department of Health and the CDC websites offer excellent information to help you judge your level of risk.

In addition, the Safe Worship Guidelines for Mississippi include the following questions:

  • Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
  • Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?
  • Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?
  • Have you had new loss of taste or smell?
  • Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 48 hours?

Answering “YES” to any of these questions means that you should stay home and wait until you have finished self-quarantine or are symptom free.

Do I need to register or sign up to attend?


  • This is, of course, unprecedented and unusual for us; but this is a time like no other we’ve experienced
  • All who desire to gather are welcome, though as we implement the Safe Worship
  • Guidelines for Mississippi we are limited to 50% of our normal sanctuary capacity, allowing only 150 per service
  • The capacity issue caused by observing distancing between family units and individuals is the reason we are offering two services
  • Each Monday, beginning with Monday, June 1, 2020, the online registration will open for the coming Lord’s Day worship services
  • When a service has reached its capacity, the form will allow no further sign ups.

Two ways to register each week:

  • Online:
  • Call the church office and a staff person will fill in the form for you: 601.992.2448
How long will Phase 1 last?

Phase 1 is expected to continue for the 4 Sundays of June, per the best information we have at this time.

Does that mean something else is coming in July?
  • We hope and pray that there is a Phase 2 beginning in July
  • Details of Phase 2 will be released as we get nearer to the end of Phase 1
  • As we have stated previously, all our plans are presented “if the Lord wills” (See James 4:15)
Have any events or activities of the church been postponed or officially

Unfortunately, yes.

  • The Annual Crawfish Boil has been cancelled for 2020
  • Senior High RYM has been cancelled
  • Middle School RYM (Youth camp) was postponed until after the start date of local schools, making it impossible for our Middle School youth to participate
  • The Women’s Fall Conference has been postponed until Fall of 2021
  • Several customary ministry events since March 15, 2020, such as Parents Night Out, Men’s Ministry gatherings, Women’s Ministry Bible Studies and more have been cancelled or postponed because we have been unable to meet in person
  • Vacation Bible School, as originally scheduled for June, has been postponed indefinitely while we wait to see if an opportunity will arise for late summer
  • PCA General Assembly (our denomination’s annual meeting) has been postponed for a year until summer of 2021
  • The Presbytery of Mississippi Valley (LPC’s regional presbytery) postponed the May meeting until August, and therefore John Revell’s ordination exams and subsequent ordination have also been postponed for several months
How do I volunteer to serve on one of the teams needed to clean, reset or
otherwise help out during this process?

We would welcome your volunteering to help! Just send an email with your contact
information to and one of our Staff members, deacons, or team
leaders will be in touch with you.

Is there anything else I can do?


  • Pray for the Lord to eradicate COVID-19
  • Pray for useful treatments and vaccines for COVID-19
  • Pray for your pastors, elders, deacons, and staff
  • Pray for the in-person worship return on June 7
  • Pray for your fellow Lakeland Pres members
  • Continue your faithful support of Jesus’ kingdom work through the ministry of Lakeland Presbyterian Church, and thank you so very much for your faithful and positive support over the past 75+ days!