Make your Faith Promise commitment online. Note that your name will only be seen by our bookkeeper, and all amounts will only be used for bookkeeping purposes. Your name First Last Your emailWe will send a copy of your information to this email for your records. I commit myself to participate in the following ways: I will pray regularly for the missionary families of our church. I will correspond with one or more of our missionary families. I am seriously considering long-term missions. I would like info on short-term mission projects sponsored locally. I would like to serve on the Missions Committee Financial support amountTrusting God in His grace and blessing to enable me to do so, and with a deep desire to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, both here and around the world, I will endeavor to support the missions ministry at Lakeland PCA this year as follows: Financial support frequencyHow often will you give your support amount? Weekly Monthly Yearly Other Other: